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News & Events

Christmas Poinsettas 

Celebrate the birth of our Lord with flowers. Take part by purchasing poinsettias to be placed in the sanctuary for our Christmas Services and afterward take them home to enjoy or give to friends and family. Orders can be placed for red, white, pink or marble flowers at the cost of $7.00/each through November 24th.  Place your order form, along with payment, in the envelopes provided in the rear of the church.  Happy Holidays everyone!

Invitation From Church Council

Church Council invites the congregation to join in a Christmas service opportunity through Lutheran Social Services for Faith Mission, Deck the Halls. The project involves donating Christmas gifts for the Men's Shelter which includes a backpack filled with a travel mug, wallet, earbuds, and a large candy bar.  Council will be donating the backpacks, travel mugs, and wallets.  We are inviting you to take a backpack available at the rear of the church and fill it with earbuds and a large candy bar (or 2 regular-size bars) and return it to the box provided. We will collect through November 24! Thanks for your support!

Reader and Assistant Switching

Attention Readers and Worship Assistants!  If you need to arrange a substitute or are swapping dates, please submit the change via email to Please copy Pastor Julianne and the person who has agreed to serve, and submit no later than the Sunday prior to the change. If a switch needs to be made after the “deadline”, please note that there is a chance it will not be updated in the bulletin in time. 

WELCA Thankoffering

Did you know that women of the ELCA have been giving Thankofferings for more than 100 years? Thankofferings are a special way of joyfully giving thanks for what God has given us. On Sunday, Nov 27th, Hope's WELCA will be collecting Thankofferings during our worship service. Special Thankoffering envelopes are available on the table in the back of the sanctuary. Please take one! Thankofferings support the many ministries of the Women of the ELCA.

Bible Study

Bible Study will be held on Wednesday at 6:30.  We meet by Zoom. The Zoom link on the front of the bulletin is all you need to join us.​

Let's Get Together

 Last week an after-worship event was proposed for this Sunday.   The initial plan was to talk through the ballot,  specifically at the proposals so we can be clear about our votes.  That wouldn’t take long — so why not get together to talk about the intensity we are feeling related to this election?   You are invited to a conversation that will include dealing with the difficult emotions that have been stirred.  Doris may bring cake.


Nov 5 - Election Day. Nov 5

Nov 6 - Ruth Circle. Nov 6

Nov 6 - Bible Study. Nov 6

Nov 7 - Food Distribution Planning, 6:30 Zoom

Nov 13 - Quilting

Nov 20 - Host Eastside Fellowship Service of Giving Thanks

Refreshments: 6:30 p.m.

Worship service: 7:00 p.m.

Dec 14 - Community Christmas Food Distribution

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